Articles written by Kristine Lessard

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  • Notes from Town Square: Exercising through play

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Aug 16, 2017

    What better ways to get your exercise than to get out there and play, walk, run, or enjoy a game of basketball, racquetball, football, baseball or soccer? There are so many opportunities to do these and much more right out your back door. With an estimated 35 percent of Americans being considered overweight and one in 20 being considered extremely obese, exercise is more important than ever. Why not have fun while getting your exercise? Green River offers over 12 miles of walking and biking trails and pathways, multiple playgrounds, a skate...

  • Notes from Town Square: Arbor Day in GR

    Kristine Lessard, Green River Parks and Recreation|May 17, 2017

    Arbor Day – a day dedicated to public tree planting was first observed in the 19th century over 145 years ago. The Arbor Day Foundation was founded in 1972 with a mission to “inspire people to plant, nurture, and celebrate trees.” This year will mark the 34th annual celebration for Green River, which also will mark the 34th year as a designated Tree City USA community. Green River holds the second longest continuous streak for being named as a Tree City USA community in our great state of Wyoming, second only to our capital city of Cheye...

  • Notes from Town Square: Arbor Day in Green River

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|May 11, 2016

    What is Arbor Day and what exactly is it all about, you ask? Well, let’s take the last 150 plus years and compact it into a few short paragraphs. We’ll start in 1854 when a journalist turned pioneer named J. Sterling Morton, and his wife moved to Nebraska, as individuals who valued nature they planted greenery; shrubs, flowers and different varieties of trees. It was through Morton’s writings that he was able to reach out to fellow pioneers, encouraging them to plant trees. The trees were good for soil conservation, shade, fruits, firew...

  • Notes from Town Square: Parks are a year-round job

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Jan 13, 2016

    Parks and Recreation - synonymous with summer fun and lots of sunshine. However, we are busy all year long. As winter descends upon Green River, citizens head indoors and hopefully to the Recreation Center where it is easy to see that the staff there is busier than ever running leisure programs or preparing for special events. The parks division is not always as obvious, although ever so present. For the parks staff, the winter months are filled with many tasks. It is this time of year not only for maintaining areas that have no “down s...

  • Notes from Town Square: GR's Expedition Island

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Nov 11, 2015

    Expedition Island - A National Historic Landmark in the heart of Green River. One might ask, what does it mean to be recognized as a National Registered Historic Landmark? To be listed the site must possess an exceptional value in commemorating a part of history to the United States. The Island obtained this status a mere 100 years after the famed river expeditions of John Wesley Powell in 1869 and again in 1871. Powell, a U.S. Army Major in the Civil War, launched his 1869 river adventure in May; Wyoming was not declared a territory until...

  • Notes from Town Square: Riverview Cemetery then and now

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Sep 9, 2015

    Did you know that Green River’s original cemetery was located at 300 N. 1st E.? The address probably sounds familiar to many; perhaps because that is the location of the Sweetwater County Library? The original cemetery was established in 1892 where it remained for nearly 25 years until 1917 when the burials were relocated to the present day location of 1079 N. 1st E. In 1914, the city purchased land just up the hill and away from residential areas for the site of the current, Riverview Cemetery. Why the name “Riverview,” maybe, just maybe...

  • Notes from Town Square: Arbor Day and Tree City USA

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|May 6, 2015

    Arbor Day; a day in which individuals, families, groups and communities are encouraged to plant trees, trees and more trees. Come join us in celebrating Arbor Day in Green River May 9 at Centennial Park, located at 160 West Flaming Gorge Way. The first Arbor Day took place in Nebraska April 10, 1872, orchestrated by Julius S. Morton; it is said that over a million trees were planted in Nebraska that year. Further yet, Julius set an example by the many plantings on his farm; planting trees for shade, wind breaks and even creating orchards. It...

  • Notes from Town Square: Green Belt is a treasure

    Kristine Lessard, Parks and Recreation Dept.|Apr 8, 2015

    Spring – a time of year when the earth tilts closer to the sun, and thus comes the opportunity to get outside, take a walk, breathe the fresh air and enjoy the sunshine. The City of Green River is home to more than 12 miles of connector trails that include the Greenbelt Trail System, which meanders alongside the banks of the Green River. The idea of a greenbelt pathway was first conceived in the 1970s, but didn’t come into fruition until a group of dedicated volunteers serving on the Green River Parks and Recreation Advisory Board moved it for...

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