Letter to the Editor: Wyomingites overwhelmingly support Medicaid expansion

Dear Editor, Senate President Driskill and House Majority Leader Neiman,

Regardless of party or residence, Wyomingites overwhelmingly support Medicaid expansion. We see substantial benefits for rural hospitals, local clinics and health insurance for roughly 20,000 families. Failing to introduce HB80 in the Senate is actually unlawful under Wyoming’s Constitution.

Article 1, Section 1 proclaims that “all power is inherent in the people, and all free governments are founded on their authority, and instituted for their peace, safety and happiness; for … these ends they have … an inalienable … right to alter, reform or abolish the government … as they [consider] proper.”

Section 7 states that “absolute, arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic …” Attempting to circumvent these laws is most certainly arbitrary and obviously undermines our wellbeing.

Section 38(a) submits that “each competent adult shall have the right to make [their] own health care decisions.”

Section 1(d) dictates that “the state of Wyoming shall act to preserve these rights from undue governmental infringement.” Thus, the majority demands that Governor Gordon exercise Article 4, Section 4 which declares that “he shall have power to convene the legislature on extraordinary occasions.” Your actions regarding HB80 should be deemed one such instance. We call on Gordon to detain the 67th Legislature until it’s enacted.

Last year, three bandits stopped delivery of millions of federal dollars into state coffers. You two have conspired to divest us again. Therefore, we challenge your betrayal and require immediate remedy.

Geri Maria Johnson



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