Letter to the Editor: Voter trust is built on truth

Dear Editor,

The Truth for which I am speaking is not your self truth or being true to your-self but truth based on facts. Facts based truth is what gives a community long term stability, self-reflection and positive growth for everyone. Trust is something built over time through demonstrated true experience and professionalism. Every voter wants to trust that their candidates are being truthful and every candidate states they are truthful. During the primary the question was asked by a voter, “How do I know a candidate is being truthful?” The response was that all they had to do was to observe how the candidates conduct their campaign and do they give you, the voter, specifics on their claims.

When candidates say they have “experienced leadership” or “organizational leadership experience” but have never served in the military, have no education or training in leadership or management, never received any awards or recognition for leading any groups, have not joined any chambers of commerce, fraternal or civic organizations, then where would they have gained any leadership experience. These candidates are observers, not true and tested leaders.

When the candidate says they are “successful in business” do they also tell you specifically what types of business, where, when, how many dollars they managed or for how long. Will the candidate disclose their business outcomes may have lost millions of dollars and laid-off a majority of their employees? When candidates say they are there for the community and the voters but openly support self-proclaimed Marxist organizations (Section 1 of one Party Platform in Wyoming) that sponsor collectivism and destroying private property rights. These candidates are not in the business of trusted governance.

Do candidates or their supporters promote illegal actions by placing signs in right-of-ways along the roads (Dewar Drive), on power poles, felony destroying other elector signs, and vandalizing private homes? When a voter observes these occurrences why should they support a candidate that allows these actions on their behalf? These candidates cannot be trusted to follow the laws when in office.

Do candidates or their supporters promote unethical actions where government officials abuse and subrogate their position in openly promoting specific candidates, though use of tax payers dollars, election rules, undue influence, and not separating their public positions and their participation in politics. We hold elected officials and government employees to a higher standard due to their positions being one of public trust. When that trust is used to manipulate voters to favor one candidate over another then all that is being promoted is a good ‘ole boy system. This is not a “Brand” of politics that enables trust in government.

It is always easy for voters to vote for friends and on emotion, but the truth is that when we do, all we end up with is voter’s remorse. We are not really supporting friends by voting them in positions for which they are not qualified. Not voting for the most educated, experienced and professional candidate does not lead to good and professional government in the short or long term nor does it lead to a trust in government.

Voters want and need to trust candidates as decisions are made for the next four years that impact the community now and beyond. When voters are not observant, do no research, and do not vote for the most professional, qualified, and truthful candidates how can the voter be frustrated by a government that keeps the community in a boom and bust cycle with higher taxes and no growth?

As a voter trust yourself! Know that you have a choice on November 8th and can write-in the most trusted professional, educated and experienced candidates.

Stephen P. Allen

Rock Springs


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