Mayor urges residents to follow health orders

With the celebration of one of our most important holidays fast approaching, and the recent explosion of a second wave of COVID-19 cases, I feel it is very important as your mayor to express my thoughts regarding the various issues involved.

During a recent meeting, several of our local doctors and their various support staff from Memorial Hospital, Castle Rock Medical Center, and county health expressed their tremendous concern for the huge spike in new COVID-19 cases in our community, and discussed how it was overwhelming our health care system, facilities and staff. 

This unfortunate reality means that it is more important than ever to stay both cautious and careful, and be disciplined particularly with regard to activities where our behavior may be more relaxed. 

Our doctors unanimously recommend that we wear masks whenever social distancing is not possible, particularly indoors, and we must be especially mindful of this with family and friends as we approach the Thanksgiving holiday. In addition to this simple step, we must also practice all of the health department’s guidelines, including staying home when sick, not going out unless necessary, and washing your hands often to help prevent the spread of this virus. If we do this we, are choosing to take into consideration the health and wellbeing of all of the members of our community, especially the elderly and folks with existing health conditions.

Sweetwater County recently joined a growing number of Wyoming counties with a health mandate regarding the wearing of masks. Included in this order are exceptions for health reasons, but other than in those limited situations, it is the responsibility of all citizens to take into consideration their fellow community members, and wear the masks as directed. 

Our police chief has issued a letter expressing his view of how our local law enforcement personnel will address this order, which involves in my opinion, an excellent common sense message and philosophy for our community to work together for the benefit of all of us.

This is a tough job for our dedicated police department, and I am hopeful we will all cooperate with them in trying to overcome the pandemic, which has already plagued us for much longer than any of us cares for.

It is also very important during this time of year for all of us to support our local businesses, many of whom are suffering economically.

I urge you to shop locally for Christmas, but to do so responsibly, protect yourself and others by wearing a mask, utilize a drive up, have meals/gifts/etc., delivered where possible, and explore the purchase of gift certificates that can help support them.  

In all places where restrictions are in place, be courteous and work with the staff, and together if we choose to put the “unity” in “community” we will get thru this together.

Green River has always been a community that supports one another. We see this in the outpouring of support when we lose a loved one, or recently when neighbors helped neighbors after the destructive Labor Day weekend storm.

It is part of the reason that I love Green River and why it is an honor to serve as Mayor. We can continue this supportive nature by taking small steps to protect the health and safety of our citizens while also supporting our local businesses. Thank you for your patience and your understanding, and may you have a happy and safe Thanksgiving.


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