County candidate discusses platform

Publisher’s note: Originally, this was intended to be a debate-style article similar to the House District 60 candidates article for the Republican candidates running for Sweetwater County commissioner. Unfortunately, only one candidate, Mary Thoman, responded to our emailed questions as of press time. As such, we decided to run this despite the other candidates’ responses not being available. We will update the online version of this article if additional information is sent to us.

1. In three sentences, describe yourself and why you’re seeking election.

I feel strongly that this position is a full-time responsibility and I fully intend to dedicate my energies to being a county commissioner by being present and accountable in the office and/or available via phone, appointment, e-mail, ZOOM, Facebook, Instagram ( or Facebook: marythoman2020). I have the experience of the past 21 years in county government and have the knowledge base that none of the other commissioners (except one incumbent) have for dealing with the public lands and natural resources and access (I lead the development of a major roads study with public meetings that can be used when the BLM develops their Transportation Plan). My experience, dedication and integrity are key reasons to vote for me.

2. Should the county spend its reserves on public works projects in a hope to employ locals during the economic downturn or should it be more conservative with its spending until the economy improves?

I feel this is an area where the (Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition) and the Wyoming Business Council could assist the Commissioners in reaching a decision by conducting a study of this project. To use the reserves would provide needed jobs, stimulate the local economy and leverage for the future.

3. Should county commissioners be active in advocating for economic development in Sweetwater County, or should they leave that work for the SEDC and other organizations? What is your reasoning behind your answer?

Yes I definitely feel the SWCO should be active in advocating for economic development in Sweetwater County while working with the SEDC and other entities such as the Wyoming Business Council and Chambers of Commerce. If there is an opportunity to develop an Industrial Complex, the commission should be involved. Commissioners have to take the lead.

Numerous factors are contributing to our downturn in the local economy and they are related to COVID-19 closures or restrictions on businesses and to the global economy (oil, gas, trona, agriculture prices). As a local government, we need to stay in touch with our legislators and Congressional delegation to open up global markets for our products, seek opportunities in-state (ie coal fired power plants) and to protect our basic civil liberties—in spite of Covid-19.

4. In regards to Sweetwater County’s economy, how healthy do you see it being in the next 2-4 years? Do you think there are resolutions or actions the commissioners can take to improve that outlook?

No one knows how long the pandemic is going to affect the local and national economies. But there are opportunities for the commission to assist in enhancing local economies.

I fully support our natural resources as they have traditionally provided approximately 70% of our county revenue.

I will continue to work with our five county Coalition of Local Governments (I am a co-founder of CLG) to stabilize our electrical supply for us and the Nation by seeking options to continue coal fired power plants or conversions to natural gas plants; seeking opportunities for global trona markets; look to new opportunities to diversify the economy through other industries and use of the Events Complex. Resolutions and support of legislative action are ways to accomplish this.

I will examine ways to streamline county approvals to encourage business growth and to seek opportunities to engage local businesses in county development.

5. What are three of the most important issues/topics you want to address if you’re elected? Explain why these should be addressed.

As outlined in my campaign mailing, I am running for County Commissioner because I want to continue to be a part of the process that determines the future of Sweetwater County.

I am committed to:

*Multiple use of and access to our public lands (by continuing to advocate for multiple use on public lands while protecting the tax base and our custom and culture; continuing my role as a local voice as a “cooperator” in federal and state plans and projects – as I have done for the past 20 years while serving on the Conservation District) and supporting responsible development of our resources of gas, oil, coal, trona, uranium and habitat for wildlife and livestock.

*A balanced budget based on revenues

*Maintaining our qualify of life in Sweetwater County (economic development/good jobs)


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