Woman celebrates 100 years

On Sunday, Donnette Petersen turned 100 years old.

Petersen said she didn't really have any tips for making it to 100 years, however she did share something.

"I didn't smoke or drink," she said.

As for maintaining a special diet to obtain longevity, Petersen said she just ate what she wanted.

Petersen said she's not sure how she lived to be 100 years.

"I just made it," Petersen said. "I don't know why."

"I had three chances to die and I didn't die," Petersen said.

However, she could only elaborate on a more recent injury as one of the times when she almost died. She said she fell down and broke her hip.

"I'm in bad shape," Petersen said. "I can't walk yet."

Over the years, Petersen has seen and lived through many changes, but all she could talk about was the big birthday party her family hosted her at the Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center Saturday. This included a special lunch with family and friends sharing stories about Petersen.

Petersen was born in Morgan, Utah, and later moved to Green River, where she met her husband Franklin C. Petersen.

She moved to Green River with her family because her father worked for the railroad and got transferred.

Petersen said she and one of her girlfriends loved to cook big dinners for everyone and she was told she was quite the cook.

After 100 years, events seem to all run together and Petersen said it's hard for her to recall exactly when things happened, but she sure enjoyed the big birthday party.


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