Competitiveness shown in game

As the cards were passed around the table as fast as one could, the tension started to brew.

Each of the players would quickly glance at their cards to see if they had collected four of a kind yet.

As they would get closer and closer to completing the task, they would start glancing at the spoons in the middle of the table, at their cards and then at the other players to see if any of them had taken a spoon.

All of a sudden, one player grabbed a spoon, which left the other players scrambling to grab a spoon as fast as they could.

Only one player didn't reach a spoon in time.

"You guys are cheaters," Carmen Tune said. "I can't even reach the spoons."

She proceeded to write down O to spell out the word "spoons," which is what one does if they've lost the round.

"You've got to be fast," Phyllis Bingham replied.

This was the scene and conversations taking place at more than one table at the Golden Hour Senior Center Thursday morning game of Spoons.

Another round begins and the cards are being passed from player to player quicker and quicker.

Gale Robinson grabs a spoon and says, "What do I do now?"

As soon as the other players realize she has a spoon in her hand, they reach for the remaining spoons in the table.

Then, they quickly notify Robinson that when she gets four of a kind and grabs a spoon, she should just hold onto the spoon and let the rest keep playing until they notice she's taken a spoon.

"This is hard on my brain," Tune said.

She was trying to recall all of the details of the new game she was learning how to play.

For Pat Sywinski, the game was coming back to her pretty quickly.

"We used to play with our kids," she said.

As the game progressed and the players learned the rules, they would pretend to grab a spoon in an effort to trick the others into grabbing one first. This move was called a "fake out."

This only happened once or twice at this particular table, and one time wasn't even on purpose. As the game continued, so did the competitiveness and sometimes spoons were flying on the ground, which resulted in a burst of laughter from the whole table.


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