Register for upcoming 2023 Frostbite 5K & 10K

Snowflakes fly and frosty temperatures blanket Wyoming, but in the midst of it all, the pristine Green River creates a dream-like atmosphere within the City. Join us for the 2023 Frostbite 5K, 10K and 1 Mile Family Fun Run. Green River's Expedition Island, home to the historic Powell Expedition and a National Historic Landmark, will be the starting and finish location of our run on Saturday, February 18, 2023.

The Pavilion will be open for the entire event, providing a place to snag a snack and stay warm before and after the race.

The 5K & 10K course starts on the north side of the bridge entering Expedition Island, crosses the Island parking lot and enters onto the Greenbelt Pathway system. The 5K and 10K course runs together down the southside of Riverside Memorial Park to the boardwalk. Runners will pass the Green River horse corrals and enter the Union Pacific loop to the left. Once the runners enter the loop, the 10K will pass through the loop and move on toward Stratton Meyers Park while the 5K runners will turn to the right and finish the loop and head back to Expedition Island to finish out the race. Our 10K runners will pass Stratton Meyers, cross the gravel road and enter back onto the Greenbelt to the left around the bike park and up the hill to Edgewater Park. Runners will make a small loop in Edgewater Park and head back to the Union Pacific loop where they will retrace the outside loop staying close to the Green River. All runners will finish the race on the north side of the Greenbelt River bridge. No pets are allowed in the race.

Medals will be awarded to the male and female first and second place winners in each age division. An overall award for the 5K & 10K men and women will also be awarded along with a $25 Chamber Certificate to be used at business within Sweetwater County.

Race packet pickup will be on Friday, February 17 from 4-7 p.m. at Expedition Island Pavilion. Pick up your bag on Friday and be entered into a drawing for a fun basket! Register online at


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