James runs for House District 60

Jennifer James is running for election to House District 60. The district is currently represented by Mark Baker. Other candidates running for election to the district are Christal Martin and Tony Niemiec.

James is the owner of a non-profit healthcare training company and has a Doctoral degree in Nursing Systems, as well as a Master's Degree in Health Law. She is currently attending Harvard University for a post-graduate certificate in Public Policy Design and Innovation.

"I support our community by training certified nurse aides and pride myself on educating these hard working students," James said.

Since moving to Wyoming in 2016, James has been involved in legislative efforts in Cheyene, including working at the Wyoming Department of Health and the Board of Nursing.

"I have had successes relating to the creation of state policies along with my representatives, and wish to bring my own ideas and experience to the state legislature. I saw issues from the inside, but I'm not another government crony; I understand the barriers and will help us overcome them."

James describes herself as a "robust conservative Republican who is dedicated to common sense policies," and says she will use science instead of opinions when creating laws for Wyoming and Sweetwater County.

"My promise is to follow the United States and Wyoming Constitutions, first and foremost," James said. "I am a staunch Republican and support the platform voted upon by Wyoming Republicans. I plan to step forward on issues important to my community members including our 2nd Amendment, the fight for Life, education systems, smaller government, free market, continued religious freedoms and healthcare policies."

If elected, James plans to create a website that will host multiple forms of communication efforts; weekly live discussions, youtube videos, newsletter, blogs, etc.

"I want to be able to reach out to the people I represent in all manners so we can communicate about their ideas, concerns and needs for Green River," James said.

She also wants to establish a neighborhood "task force" of staunch Republicans and precinct leaders she can call to help with tough decisions so she will vote not only by her own opinion but also by the desires of members of the platform.

"I wanted to enter into politics to make a difference for the people of Wyoming," James said. "This position is grueling, requires long hours, and the pay is about $150 per day. The sacrifice and responsibility should not be taken unto lightly. I have watched many seated Legislators utilize their positions for personal benefits. I have listened to their votes being cast when some representative hadn't even read the bill! This is unacceptable. My vow is to perform the People's work in a most diligent and constructive fashion. I do not have interfering family obligations and I have the mental stamina required for this role."


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