Girls soccer games determine regional seeding

The Green River High School Girls Soccer Team is set to head into regional competitions next week in the fifth seed after one loss and one win in their games last week. 

The competition started with a disappointing 11-0 loss in Rock Springs last Thursday. 

“We have a mental block with Rock Springs,” head coach Matthew Robles said. “The score reflected how the game went for us. It started bad and just progressively went downhill from there.” 

The Rock Springs Lady Tigers are currently ranked first in the 4A West Region.

After the tough loss against their rivals, the Lady Wolves were off to a rocky start when they faced Evanston on Friday. The Green River goalie was injured after a kick to the face, but Evanston scored before the official had time to make a call or stop play, according to Robles, putting the Lady Wolves down a point at the start. 

“But the girls responded,” Robles said. 

The team came together to score four goals in the first half while Evanston only scored one more. After halftime the Lady Wolves worked even harder to clean up their game and not give away any goals, according to Robles. The team added another goal about halfway through the second half, leaving them with a 5-2 win. 

“It was good to see the girls not hang their heads,” Robles said, adding he’s been talking to the team about playing a full 80 minutes, and he’s started to see them do so over several of the last few games. “It was good to see them starting to string together some full games because it’s going to make us look better and play better as we get into the next couple of weeks that are really hectic and busy.” 

The win against Evanston put the Lady Wolves into fifth place in the region, which Robles believes means they have that position “locked up” since they’re not likely to move up or down any more. This means they will face off with either Kelly Walsh or Jackson for their first game during regionals in Jackson next week. 

Before the Lady Wolves make it to regionals, however, they have two more games this week. First they will take on Kelly Walsh Friday, then Natrona County Saturday. 

Although the Lady Wolves lost to both teams earlier in the season, Robles is feeling confident about the matches. He believes, based on what he saw of the teams previously and how much his girls have grown, Green River is now at the same level as both of their opponents, if not better.

“When we played both those teams at home, we played them tough, and I think that the score lines really didn’t show how the games were going,” Robles said. “I think that if the girls go in and they play a full 80 minute game against these two teams that we can show them that we’re not just some pushover game that they think they’re going to have going into regionals, that we’re actually going to give them a game. And honestly, I believe that we can get one if not two wins this weekend.”


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