The polarizing Peeps

Some of the best opinions to have are very strong opinions about very unimportant things. And some of the strongest unimportant opinions are about food — especially candy.

For some reason, Peeps seem to be especially polarizing.

I’ve heard people argue their passionate opinions about the classic marshmallow Easter candy for years. I decided I wanted to see where my own friends and acquaintances fell in the debate, so I asked people to tell me their opinions on Facebook.

Although opinions were split, hatred won out.

Over half of the people who replied expressed their dislike of Peeps, with many saying they’re too sweet or unhealthy and others using words like “nasty,” “gross,” and “horrendous.” Some people just commented with GIFs or emojis of people gagging. Micael Christiansen probably had the strongest feelings about the issue, saying: “The slimy texture and flavor of peeps is reviling ... Peeps have all of the appeal of eating slippery snot.”

A smaller percentage of people who replied said how much they love Peeps.

Trina Brittain said she likes the texture and “marshmallow gooey-ness.” Melissa Shumate described them as “amazing sugar covered sugar” and recommended: “float them in your hot cocoa for ultimate happiness.”

But even opinions among those who do like Peeps vary, with some only liking them fresh and others saying they prefer to let them sit out and get stale. Others will only eat the classic yellow chicks and pink bunnies, while some prefer the adventurous new flavors like coffee and watermelon.

Some of my favorite responses, though, had nothing to do with flavor.

Heather Pristash commented Peeps are “amazing in vacuum. Otherwise, not interesting.”

A quick YouTube video search of Peeps in a vacuum chamber will bring up multiple videos of the candies swelling up to several times their normal size.

Christine Peterson’s family has found a way to use this same principle to create a fun game. She commented: “I dislike eating them but my family enjoys battling with them. Stick a toothpick in the head of two and place in the microwave. Then see whose toothpick is inserted into the other peep first and you have a winner.”

While Peeps remain polarizing and people will continue to debate over whether they’re disgusting or amazing, I’ll continue to enjoy the arguments and not eat Peeps myself.

Honestly, I’m not sure what my opinion on the squishy little candies is. I’ve had it in my head for years that I hate Peeps with a passion and believe they’re disgusting sugary mush.

But I actually can’t remember the last time I had one or what it tasted like. So I’m not sure if I actually dislike them, or just jumped on the hatred bandwagon. But, I’m also not willing to go spend money on a pack to find out.

In general, I agree with Ashley Tenielle, who said: “I would rather eat a regular marshmallow. Roasted over a fire. Squished between graham crackers with chocolate.”


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