Our view: More SEDC funding could go a long way

We’re supportive of the Sweetwater Economic Development Coalition’s desire to seek more funding as we think it could increase economic advocacy of Sweetwater County.

With the organization seeking to increase its operational budget to $210,000 by seeking an increase from $30,000 to $70,000 from the county and the Green River and Rock Springs Councils, we believe this would be a great investment overall. The county’s economy has long been dominated by mineral extraction and a more diversified industrial and business foundation would shield the area from the traditional booms and busts we’ve seen with the extraction industries.

However, we don’t think money should simply just be handed out. The funding should come with easily-measured metrics that would ensure this potential investment is being used as wisely as possible. After all, this money ultimately comes from the county’s tax payers and should be treated as such, not as free money.


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