Tennis standout commits to Neb. college

A Green River High School tennis player will continue to play tennis at the collegiate level in Nebraska.

These days, Gabby Heiser can be seen on the basketball court playing with the Lady Wolves, however she will trade the basketball jersey for a tennis racquet to continue playing the sport she loves. Gabby signed a letter of intent to play tennis for Concordia University in Seward, Nebraska last week. Gabby doesn't have a specific major in mind at the moment, but said she plans to study for a potential career in the medical field.

Gabby played tennis throughout high school, joining the team as a freshman. Her father, Rowdy Hieser, said she quickly took an interest in the sport after joining the team.

"We were supportive of her ... it became a love for her," Rowdy said.

Gabby said her parents Rowdy and LeAnn inspired her to do what she was interested in because of the support they've shown her over the years with tennis.

Gabby said she initially planned to play volleyball when she started high school, but abandoned that idea after meeting the tennis team and its coaches, head coach Phil Harder and assistant coach Andy Trumble.

For Harder, Gabby's letter signing is special as she represents the first tennis player he has coached moving into a collegiate tennis program.

"She has represented our program very well," Harder said.

She initially played on the Doubles No. 3 team, but quickly became the top singles player for the Lady Wolves in 2019, holding that spot for three seasons. She earned All State in tennis in 2021, 2020 and 2018.

Gabby said the four years playing tennis have greatly helped her, especially with mental toughness and being calm when facing a challenge. She said she will miss both Harder and Trumble because of the support they've given her over the past four years.

One of Gabby's favorite memories of playing tennis in Green River took place her freshman year while competing at State. She and her partner were losing the match when other GRHS players came to the court the two were playing at and cheered them on.

Overall, she is grateful for what playing tennis has brought her in four years.

"Tennis has given me a lot of opportunities ... I like being a part of it," she said.


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