District pays pool off in June

A long-standing debt for Sweetwater County School District No. 2’s aquatics center at Green River High School ends June 15 with the district’s final payment.

“We own the pool,” Steve Core, SCSD#2 chairman, said excitedly Tuesday night.

The aquatics center, completed in 2014, was initially approved by voters in Green River in 2012. The addition to the high school was paid through bonds sold to fund construction costs, which were then repaid through the district’s mill levy.

Voters approved the sale of $11,475,000 in bonds, with 3,783 voters in favor and 1,780 against. Originally, the pool initiative was part of the 2012 sixth penny tax package, but the district decided to initiate its own bond question to Green River voters.

The aquatics center replaced the aging pool at Monroe Intermediate School, which at that point had been in use since 1964. That pool no longer exists, having been filled in during the extensive renovations the building received in 2016, with the school’s kitchen, cafeteria, and media center now filling the space Green River’s swimmers once completed in.

WY-TOPP scores impress

The district’s WY-TOPP (Wyoming’s Test of Proficiency and Progress) test scores brought smiles to the school board members Tuesday night. The test assesses the state’s students in its education standards.

The results are embargoed until a later date, but Curriculum Director Greg Figenser said the results showed off the hard work and dedication the district’s teachers have in educating its students.

He said there are varying degrees of learning loss being reported throughout the country as most districts dealt with distance learning for some portion of the school year. He said the only two states with face-to-face learning throughout the year were Wyoming and Montana.

Figenser said he and his staff are focusing on some areas they think are subpar.

“There certainly weren’t very many,” Figenser told the board.

“I was pleased with what I saw,” Core said.


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