WYDOT starts work on new interchange

Staff Report

A long-abandoned overpass will be rebuilt as the Wyoming Department of Transportation begins work on a new interchange on Gookin Road west of Rock Springs. The bridge has been closed to traffic since April 2014 when it was struck by a truck carrying an excavator.

The project is scheduled to be completed by June 30, 2023.

The project is also a partnership between WYDOT, the City of Rock Springs and Sweetwater County. The entities involved hope the new interchange will improve traffic flowin the area and provide a direct connection from Interstate 80 to an industrial park nearby.

The project includes replacing an existing bridge over the interstate to provide a higher vertical clearance, constructing eastbound and westbound ramps with continuous acceleration and deceleration lanes to Dewar Drive and building a new overpass structure over the Union Pacific Railroad for access to the industrial park.

WYDOT anticipates the new interchange will help improve movement of freight within the state and nationally, helping to diversify the economy in this part of the state.

It can also help entice future growth in the industrial area by offering direct access to the interstate.


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