Museum livestream attracts many viewers

Seventy-five people took part in a recent Facebook livestreamed event created by the Sweetwater County Historical Museum in Green River.

Amanda Benson, the museum’s curator, took questions across a broad range of topics, including the duties of a curator, genealogical research, the museum’s extensive collection of historical photographs, care and preservation of artifacts, historic documents, and the museum’s volunteer program.

Before the onset of the COVID-19 epidemic, “Coffee With the Curator” was an in-person event at local coffee shops.

“We’re continuing to expand our outreach strategies,” Benson said, “and we were very pleased that so many people responded.” The livestreamed “Coffee With the Curator” event can be viewed on the museum’s Facebook page.

In addition to its social media presence on Facebook, the county museum maintains a YouTube channel. Videos and video series produced by museum staff include “Guns of the Old West,” “Sweetwater History Snapshots,” “Wyoming History Trivia,” and features about explorer John Wesley Powell and Nellie Tayloe Ross, the first woman governor in American history.

Additional information about the museum’s outreach programs be found on its website at

The next “Coffee With the Curator” event is being planned for the spring; the date and time will be announced in the near future.


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