Nativity scene planned for Dec. 19

One of Green River's newer traditions, a performance of Handel's "Messiah" and a Christmas Carol sing-a-long won't be taking place this year, but organizers have other plans in place to celebrate the season.

"It would have been our ninth year," co-organizer Bonnie Arnold, said.

In its place, a live Nativity scene will be presented to the community at the Church of the Nazarene, 630 Riverview Drive, Dec. 19 from 6-9 p.m.

While Arnold and her co-organizer Nancy Stevens admit they miss the Sunday night rehearsals that went into the annual performance, they think the Nativity will be a great event to host during the coronavirus pandemic.

"This is our social distancing solution," Arnold said.

The Nativity is produced in cooperation with several churches in Green River and is planned around two vignettes featuring live actors and recorded music. Stevens said the music features experts from Handel's "Messiah," as well as other pieces.. Arnold was quick to mention a real baby would not be used in the manger scene and everything takes place outdoors, but said a stable was built by Julian Sorensen that will house four lambs a donkey and horse, as well as the cast.

The manger was built by Kat Martin while the costumes and bales of hay are being handled by the Union Congregational Church. Bobby and Jamie Cudney, Troy and Holly Hill, Jenar and Amy Jasso and Pastor and Alaina Henderson are playing the Holy Family and the shepherds.

Arnold said the group didn't want to cancel the annual performance and decided a drive-through Nativity scene was the best way to continue a Christmas community presentation. Arnold also said the plan received support from Green River Police Chief Tom Jarvie, which encouraged them to move forward with the Nativity.

In addition to the scene itself, 1,500 luminarias will line the street approaching the church. Arnold said John Owens is building the luminarias and volunteers are sought to help light and place them Dec. 19 at 1 p.m.

"We don't know what to expect," Stevens said. "We just hope Green River will support this event in (the annual musical program's) place," Arnold added.

Nativity Committee

Julian and Patsy


Becky Creager

Jenar and Amy Jasso

Sharon Danks

Nancy Stevens

John Owens

Bonnie Arnold

Churches involved

Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Church of the Nazarene

The Pentecostal Church

Union Congregational Church


Sand was donated by SunRoc for the luminarias

Portable corral was donated by Ryan and Nicole Scott

Four lambs are provided by Randy Laughter

The donkey and horse are provided by Adam Halverson


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