Golden Hour helps RS seniors

Golden Hour Senior Center is helping house-bound seniors in Rock Springs receive meals after the Young at Heart Senior Center had to temporarily close due to COVID-19.

Jackie Grubb, executive director at Golden Hour, said the center was contacted Friday by Young at Heart’s acting director, requesting help for the Rock Springs seniors. In total, the center’s kitchen is preparing between 115 and 125 extra meals, which are picked up by drivers from Rock Springs and distributed.

“They definitely wanted to help any way they could,” Grubb said about Golden Hour’s kitchen staff. However, while the center is taking on additional meal orders, they’re forced to cut Golden Hour’s cafeteria lunch service for the rest of the month.

“We decided to stop dine-in for the next two weeks,” she said.

The drive through meal pickup and Green River’s meal delivery program will continue.

Grubb doesn’t expect the additional meals to create a financial impact for the center, saying Young at Heart is assisting with the cost of additional food and hours for the kitchen staff.

COVID-19 is a concern for Golden Hour Senior Center as well. While the center has added programs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, Grubb said they’re remaining vigilant with how the pandemic is spreading throughout the county. If Golden Hour is forced to close due to COVID-19, Grubb said its main focus would be home delivered meals.


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