Fall sports will continue at Western

While the coronavirus pandemic continues to limit school functions, Western Wyoming Community College made the decision to proceed with falls sports.

All five of the school’s sports teams will be participating in both the fall and spring seasons. However the main competition season will be spring rather then fall.

The fall season will be strictly scrimmages.

According to Lu Sweet, Western’s activities director, the most challenging part of going through with the season is the extra precautions required to ensure the sports are safe for the student athletes. Keeping and maintaining these guidelines is a challenge both the athletes and coaches are more than willing to except in order to play.

With much careful consideration, the school felt as though it was safe to continue so long as curtain aspects of the games such as the crowds and competing areas were kept under supervised standards.

The schools were given the clear to proceed with fall sports so long as they could follow standard COVID-19 guidelines. This, as well as seeing the student’s drive, were the two biggest reasons for deciding to proceed with fall sports. Sweet said the ability to participate in these sports spreads a lot of hope between students.

“Our school works hard to ensure they produce good people, good students, and good athletes,” Sweet said.

The decision to proceed with both seasons of sport could change later on in the year as it is impossible to know exactly what the future holds.

However for the time being students, coaches, and advisors are holding on to hope that they get to play their seasons out.

Students are happy to know that as of now, the things they love to do aren’t closed off from them. There has been strong positive feedback from students at the school with the decision to proceed with fall sports.

“Students are happy to have that hope and opportunity this year.” Sweet said.

The games will be live streamed as well as broadcast on local radio, as no fans will be permitted to watch in person.

Overall despite the set backs and obvious challenges presented by the pandemic, Western couldn’t be more excited to start gearing up for their fall seasons.


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