Knights head to state

The Green River Knights baseball team has been tearing up the fields as they compete this season.

Starting the season with a loss against the Jackson Giants, scoring seven to six, the Knights started the season in slump. However, the team continued to fight hard as they made their way through their competition season.

The COVID-19 pandemic threw several curveballs at the team. According to Ben Lail, the head of the Knights baseball program, the team had to start their season a month and a half late. Due to the delay, a lot of the coaching had to be hands-on and during games rather then practice. It took a while for the team to get back into the rhythm of playing, but Lail said the kids handled the challenge well.

The team went to the district tournament in Cody over the weekend, ending the tournament 1-3. Lail said he had high hopes for outcome, which the Knights met by becoming the fourth seed in the upcoming state tournament in Powell this weekend.

There were several younger kids who stepped up, making up the team of eight starting players for next season. Lail believes they have a strong team and now that they are back in the swing of things, there will be great things to come.

The team will only be losing one player after this season due to age restrictions. There were no injuries in the season. Lail says the coaches ensure that every team member is taken care of to prevent self caused injuries during both practice and games.

Lail, along with coaches and players are excited for their chance at state.

“We are just taking things one pitch at a time” Lail says.


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