Cancer center physician's manuscript published in prestigious medical journal

A manuscript by Memorial Hospital of Sweetwater County’s Dr. Banu Symington will be published Thursday in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The manuscript, “When Less IS More or Acknowledging the Value of Tincture of Time,” will be published online May 14, at The print version will be published this summer.

“The Journal of Clinical Oncology is the most prestigious journal for cancer specialists,” said Symington, a hematologist/oncologist and medical director at Sweetwater Regional Cancer Center. “Publication in this journal is competitive and hard to get.”

JCO reviewers said it was an important topic that had not been previously explored, Symington said. They were impressed that she discussed goals of care with the patient and included the patient’s wishes in the treatment plan

“Not only is it a miracle for the patient, but a feather in our cap that this was considered and accepted for publication, and rapid publication at that,” she said. “I think JCO hopes more oncologists will follow suit in discussing goals of care early on and acting on those patient wishes.”

In addition, Symington also recently received American College of Physicians accolades.

For her many contributions to the Idaho Chapter of the American College of Physicians and nationally, she was selected by her peers to receive the Idaho ACP 2020 Laureate Award. Idaho has awarded only three ACP Laureate Awards since 1991.

She accepted the award Jan. 18 during the group’s meeting in McCall, Idaho.


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