Schools close for remainder of year

Schools in Green River, McKinnon and Granger won’t be re-opening for the remainder of the school year.

In an announcement last week, Interim Superintendent Jamie Christensen said the school year will conclude under the district’s Adapted Learning Plan after discussions with local health officials.

Students were allowed back into school buildings to collect their belongings.

“Uncertainty around a decision about the end of the school year seems to be creating more stress than simply making the decision and allowing parents, teachers, and students to plan for it,” Steve Core, chairman of the Sweetwater County School District No. 2 Board of Trustees said.

According to the release, officials recognize the benefit of bringing students and staff back to buildings for the remainder of the school year does not outweigh to possible detrimental impact of a rush to get back to a normal schedule.

Commencement exercises are still scheduled to take place May 18 and 19, though district officials have yet to announce how they will host the ceremonies this year. A survey was sent to parents of seniors seeking their input on the situation. A decision is expected this week.


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