County sees first coronavirus patient

Sweetwater County healthcare agencies were notified Tuesday by a private medical laboratory that Sweetwater County has its first case of COVID-19.

WDH has confirmed an adult male in his 40s, living in Green River, has tested positive for COVID-19. The patient continues to self-isolate at home.

“We would like for this to be our one and only case, but we are aware this likely will not be the situation,” said Kristy Nielson, MHSC Chief Nursing Officer. “We are taking precautions to minimize the spread; we ask the community to help us with this by following the advice we are providing.”

Dr. Jean Stachon, Sweetwater County Health Officer, and Kim Lionberger, Director of Sweetwater County Public Health, are both confident the residents of Sweetwater County will show their resilience and ability to rise to the task of containing the spread of COVID-19 in a manner that is caring and compassionate.

Advice from Sweetwater County health care agencies:

-- Do not go to a provider or the Emergency Room if you have a temperature of 100 or greater or a cough.

-- Call your provider or call the MHSC COVID-19 Nurse Triage Line at 307-522-8523 to discuss COVID-19 symptoms. Do not call the ER directly.

-- Practice social distancing.

-- Stay home if you are sick.

-- Don’t touch your T-zone – eyes, nose and mouth.

-- Cough and sneeze into your sleeve or a tissue, NOT in your hands.

More health and community updates can be found at,,, and

Remember, be kind, be safe and stop the spread.


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