A new direction for a new year

Welcome to 2020!

I realize I’m a bit late on that take, but when the first publication of the new year doesn’t come out until Jan. 8, sometimes things have to wait. I realize I could have written that for the Dec. 31 issue, but then it would have been too soon. It just wouldn’t have felt right.

The year has started with a bang for the newspaper. The Sweetwater County commissioners named the Star it’s publication of record for 2020, meaning the county’s public notices will start appearing in this newspaper.

As readers will likely notice with this and the December issues, my name is practically everywhere in the newspaper. Even things that don’t have my name, I’ve likely had a hand in doing. The editorial that appears above this column? I wrote that. The police reports on A6? I formatted those for print. I even built a majority of the pages readers will look at in this newspaper.

I mention this not to boast about how great I am at this job, but to illustrate a problem I’m working to solve. Simply put, because we’re living at time where cloning technology is both unavailable and unethical, I can’t be everywhere at once. With that in mind, the newspaper is charting a new course in how it will cover Green River and I’m looking for a group of stringers to help cover the town.

Stringer is newspaper speak for someone who isn’t a part of the staff, but submits copy or photos and is paid for each individual assignment.

Anyone interested to try this out can feel free to call or email me, or simply stop by the office. The two largest areas I need help in are sports and community news, but I’m also willing to hear out other suggestions too.

Those who don’t have experience writing in Associated Press style shouldn’t be intimidated either. I’ll happily help someone develop their skills.

The year will prove to have some challenges, but I’m excited to see where the year takes the newspaper and Green River as a whole.


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