Machete used in threat

A man accused of threatening his father with a machete was bound over to Third District Court last week.

Robert Mandros, 20, Green River, recently appeared in the Third Circuit Court at a preliminary hearing to aggravated assault and battery, a felony, and property destruction and defacement, a misdemeanor.

According to court documents, on Aug. 21, at 8:17 p.m., officers responded to a home in Green River for a report that Mandros was threatening his father, Johnny Mandros, with a machete.

Upon arrival, Green River Police officers met with Robert and told him to sit on the ground and he did.

They then spoke with Johnny, who stated Robert allegedly kicked the front door of his residence in. Officers noticed the wood around the door’s frame was damaged.

Once Robert gained access to the residence, he retrieved a machete from his closet and allegedly threatened Johnny with it. After he allegedly threatened his father, Robert put the machete back in the closet.

The officers then spoke with Robert, who appeared to be under the influence of some unknown narcotic and asked him about the machete. Robert told the officers he didn’t know what they were talking about and said the knife was in his father’s closet.

Officers asked Robert if he had any weapons on him and Robert said he didn’t. The officers checked and didn’t locate any weapons. He was then placed under arrest.


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