CRRC residents enjoy the fair

Residents discuss everything they were going to explore while at the fair and then carried out their plans.

During a lunch provided by The Mission at Castle Rock Rehabilitation Center employees, CRRC and Villa residents discussed what they were going to do at Wyoming's Big Show and memories they had from prior fairs.

Kathleen Vollmar, a Villa resident, said she used to come to fair with her grandson when he was little. Now Vollmar has three great-grandchildren and she's sure they would love the fair and all it had to offer.

Volunteer Rebekka Poling was assigned to help Vollmar navigate through the fair and she was up for anything.

"Whatever Miss Kathleen wants to do," Poling said.

To kick of the fair day, Vollmar bought a teriyaki chicken on a stick. It's something she loves to eat. While most of the residents were going to visit the petting zoo, Vollmar said the petting zoo is for children.

Villa resident Diane Lake was excited for what the day had in store for her and her volunteer.

"This sweet little girl is going to be drug all of the fair," Lake said. "We're going to look at all the precious things people have made and entered."

Lake also wanted to look at all of the animals.

Her escort for the day, Kennedy Ferguson, said she was excited to walk with Lake around the fair.

"I'm a big girl now, but if they have little horses I'm getting on them and going for a ride," Lake said. "I'm a horse person. I love horses so that will be my favorite."

This is one of the biggest excursions Lake attends during the year.

"This is huge for me," Lake said.

She said everything was free for them because someone bought them tickets.

"It's all paid for, unless you want to stop and buy something."

"Us old guys are probably going to look at displays and pretty girls," Nick Fletcher said.

Fletcher couldn't wait to visit the animals and enjoy his day away from the Villa.

"It's not like we're in jail, but we don't get out much," Fletcher said. "It's a nice change for sure."


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