Commissioners award scholarships

The Sweetwater County Board of County Commissioners selected three area high school seniors for the $1,000 scholarships offered by the county.

Amongst those awarded the scholarship is Green River High School student Erik Gwaltney. The commissioners selected Ian Fletcher of Rock Springs High School and Thomas Kodee of Manila for the other two scholarships.

Wally Johnson, chairman of the board, said the decision was tough for the five commissioners to make.

“These kids are really outstanding kids,” Johnson said.

The commissioners also selected three alternates if one of the three initial recipients is unable to accept the scholarship. The three alternates are Haylen Cordova from GRHS, Austen Cassel from Black Butte High School in Rock Springs, and Sydney Shannon from RSHS.

The commissioners had a large number of applicants applying for the scholarships. Nineteen students from GRHS, 14 from RSHS, two from Manila, Utah, and one from BBHS applied for the scholarship.


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