Student-written play performances scheduled

A play based on Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol,” written by Green River High School seniors will grace the stage next week.

GRHS theater director Bradlee Skinner said the one-man show is an adaptation of the beloved classic and is suitable for all ages.

“This production is entirely produced by our seniors to help them apply for college scholarships. It is student designed, student directed and student acted,” Skinner said. “With Raymond Garcia in the role of Charles Dickens, he plays all 26 characters in the play. Quite the challenge for any performer, let alone a high-school student.”

The students have been working on this performance for the past month.

“I selected the play with the intent to start a new tradition of allowing our seniors this opportunity to take the skills they have been learning over the past four years and put them to work on creating their very own production,” Skinner said. “We then invite directors from universities and community colleges to come and watch and hopefully interest them in bringing our students to their post high-school programs.”

What’s different about this adaptation of the classical tale is in the one-man show aspect. Garcia is challenged with making each character unique and identifiable, yet true to the story most audience members already know.

“I think the audience will be pleasantly surprised by the show and their support will help support these students as they head off to college next year,” Skinner said.

The performances will take place Dec. 19 and Dec. 20 at 7 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at; search for “Green River” to find all our upcoming events.

Skinner said this event and other performances wouldn’t be possible without local support.

“We are so grateful to work and live in a school district with administrators, district leadership and a school board who values the arts in school,” Skinner said. “We have talented students and supportive parents who do so much for our programs. Thank you to everyone who continues to support the fine and performing arts at GRHS.”

Cast and Crew

Lourdes Camarillo: assistant lighting designer

Wolfgang Dittman: set designer

Kaden Lowe: sound designer

Suzanne Malicoat: stage manager

Jordan McAnarney: make-up designer and costume designer

Devin Peterson: lighting designer

Raymond Garcia: actor, playing Charles Dickens

Torie Green: publicity and marketing

Katy Robinson: director

Katherine Skinner: assistant director and deck manager

Owen Young: advertising


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