Craft fair has almost everything

From hats, scarfs, purses and handmade knick knacks to rocks, soap, jewelry and candles. The Golden Hour Senior Center's Craft Fair had a little bit of everything.

On Friday evening and Saturday, the GHSC was bustling with residents going from room to room looking at crafts and homemade baked goods that were for sale.

One table was selling microwavable bowl holders. Bentia Hardinger of Rock Springs and her husband Orrin were selling them.

If there wasn't a particular pattern someone wanted, Bentia was willing to custom make one. She had a lot of bowl holders that were made for the NFL fan, but she also had some for the coffee, bee or rooster lover. Bentia said it takes her about 3o minutes to make one, but she does a lot of them in batches, that way she doesn't have to constantly switch the thread on the sewing machine.

On Friday evening after the craft fair, Bentia was busy making some bowl holders for a custom order. She said it took her about 30 minutes.

"No, it was longer than that," Orrin said.

The concept is simple, Orrin said. One just puts their soup or whatever it is they want to heat up in a bowl, place the bowl in the microwavable bowl his wife made and then put it into the microwave.

When they go to pull it out of the microwave, they won't burn their hands on the sides of the bowls because it acts like a pot holder.

Bentia also sells boas that have towels at the end of them. The top wraps around one's neck and the bottoms hang in front. She said it's an easy way for people to wipe their hands while cooking or working in the kitchen. This keeps the towel from dropping onto the floor while one is drying dishes or their hands.

In another room, Paul Frey was busy selling pressed flower and pallet art. Frey said he decided to try pallet art after his son told him they were in style and would sell. Frey said his son was right because all of them he had sold.

As for the pressed flower art, this is something Frey has been doing on and off for about 10 years. Frey said he used to sell it at the Green River High School's craft fair, but when it wasn't hosted anymore, he didn't sell it as much.

Now, that he is retired he's back to making and selling the pressed flower art. All of the flowers are grown at the Frey home on East Teton, which is across from the Green River. Frey said making frames is a good way to pass the time in the winter.


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