Our View:City needs to build a wall

Anyone driving down Second South on a nice day will be struck on how beautiful the street looks.

Completed as part of a 2012 sixth-penny tax initiative, the street has newly-constructed sidewalks and stylized lighting designed to make it an attractive drive. The street itself is attractive, but that’s quickly forgotten as soon as someone takes a look at the rail yard in the background, past the entrance to the viaduct.

Admittedly, Green River started life as a train town, but as the city looks to turn its attention to its river corridor, the Council should consider building a wall along Second South to hide the rail yard and empty dirt in front of it. The lot leading to the rail yard is an eyesore. There is absolutely nothing appealing to that lot. And yet anyone driving along the street, especially those going eastbound towards Uinta Drive, are treated to a fantastic view of dirt and train cars.

The wall would be an additional beautification opportunity for the city as well. Sections of the wall could have sculpted murals of important events throughout Green River’s history placed along the wall. Events depicting the railroad’s arrival, as well as Maj. John Wesley Powell’s expedition, the creation of the Green River Ordinance and the discovery of trona could be highlighted, giving visitors a brief glimpse of the city’s important historical events.

We understand some wouldn’t support this initiative, believing the railroad should be seen because of its importance to the town’s history. Others legitimately enjoy seeing the trains coming through Green River. However, a beautiful wall would be much more eye catching and appealing to a majority of residents. For those who enjoy watching the trains, the viaduct offers a great view of the rail yard. Other locations across town give a person a great view of the railroad as well.

Other cities have walls and barriers dividing industrial areas from other sections of their municipalities and are improvements to the local


Green River needs to get on board with that.

We understand money is tight and a wall isn’t high on the list of priorities, but it’s something that should be looked into, especially once the city gets more serious about its plans for the river corridor. Blocking off an unattractive section of dirt with a well-built and visually-pleasing wall along Second South would help improve the attractiveness of the area.


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