Notes from Town Square: Running for your life

Run for your life. This phrase can have many meanings, but in the Green River Parks and Recreation Department, we are talking about health. More specifically we are talking about the benefits of running. Everyone knows that running is good for your health, but not everyone knows in what ways.

Running is known to be one of the best aerobic exercises for your heart and lungs. It is a great way to get started if you are trying to lose weight as well. Running can also strengthen your immune system making you less likely to become sick. It is a great solution for lowering stress levels as well. In addition to reducing stress it can also help with other mental health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. Many therapists suggest running to boost your mood.

Running is also a good opportunity to get some “me” time, and to just let your thoughts run wild. If “me” time isn’t what you’re looking for, then you could enlist a friend or two to come run with you. This would allow you to talk things through that you have on your mind, while benefiting your body.

So whether it’s for mental or physical health, run for your life at our Summer Run Series.

Upcoming events and themes are:

*June 19, Story Walk at the Green River Recreation Center.

*July 17, Watermelon Walk at Expedition Island.

*July 31, Mustache Dash at the Green River Recreation Center.

The Summer Run Series is free to the public and open to all ages.

We encourage families and individuals to join us Monday evenings. We also ask competitors to check in between 6-6:20 p.m. Each run will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m.


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