Senator discusses flood bill, Obamacare work in Congress

In Wyoming, we know how devastating floods can be to our communities. With Senate passage of a bipartisan water bill, towns across Wyoming are one step closer to improving dam safety and better preparing for floods.

Senate Passes Bill to Help Wyoming Communities Prepare for Flood

On Sept. 15, the Senate passed the bipartisan Water Resources Development Act (WRDA) by a vote of 95 to 3. This bill authorizes the Army Corps of Engineers to improve and maintain dams, inland waterways, ports, and projects to prevent flooding and ensure water delivery to communities. As a member of the committee that authored the bill, I successfully included provisions for Wyoming that help increase water storage, improve dam safety in Indian Country and prevent ice-jam flooding in communities like Worland and Greybull. When Congress comes back in session in November, the Senate and House will go to conference and work on a final WRDA bill that we can send to the president to sign into law this year.

Relief from Obamacare Penalties

A new national Gallup poll found that 29 percent of Americans think the president’s health care law is bad for them and for their families. In addition to only having one choice on the Obamacare exchange, people in Wyoming will see their health premiums increase by 7 percent next year. When there’s only one option for insurance, that’s not a marketplace, it’s a monopoly.

On Sept. 7, I joined Senator John McCain and others in introducing the Protection from Obamacare Monopolies Act. The bill would protect all individuals who live in a county with one or no health insurers offering plans on the Obamacare exchanges from the individual mandate penalty. This bill provides desperately needed relief for those who are hit the hardest.

Non-Partisan GAO Confirms Obamacare Reinsurance Bailout is Illegal

On Sept. 29, the non-partisan Government Accountability Office (GAO) released a new legal opinion that found the Obama administration unlawfully diverted taxpayer dollars to fund the Obamacare reinsurance program. This means the Obama administration should no longer take money from taxpayers to bail out Obamacare. This is a major victory for the American people who are suffering with higher premiums and fewer choices because of this failed law.

The administration should end this illegal scheme immediately, and focus on providing relief from the burdens of this law.

Wyoming Comes to Washington

It was great to meet with the 2016 Wyoming Secondary Principal of the Year, Darrin Peppard. Darrin was selected for his outstanding work as principal of Rock Springs High School. I join Sweetwater County and the rest of Wyoming in applauding Darrin for his dedication to creating a positive learning environment for his students.

Members of the Greater Cheyenne Chamber of Commerce were also in town this month. We had a good discussion about ways to help expand economic opportunities in Cheyenne and the future of F.E. Warren Air Force Base.


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