Growing up in Heaven

A childhood in GR during the 40s and 50s

Editor’s note: Due to the length of this column, we will print it as a series. The second portion will run next week.

As a member of the Green River Historic Preservation Commission, it is my turn to write our monthly article on some aspect of Green River’s past.

Usually we are allowed to write on whatever subject that is of personal or general interest, which is later published in the current issue of the bound series Echoes from the Bluffs. However, Brie Blasi asked me to address growing up in Green River in the mid 40s and 50s.

Wow, what exactly do you write about? Where do you actually beg...


Reader Comments(1)

cboswell writes:

Great column, Carl! For those of us who arrived in Green River as young adults, reading about growing up here adds so much to our understanding of the community, and why it holds such a special place in our hearts.