Faithful GR volunteer surprised with award

Her facial expression was that of absolute surprise when she heard her name called for the 2016 Green River Distinguished Citizen Award.

As the Green River Chamber of Commerce vice president, Angela Shutran isn't new to being at the Chamber's luncheons, which take place every month.

In fact, she was at the April 20 meeting to present the chamber's Red Carpet of the Year award to Judi Laughter. She had no idea she was also there to receive one.

The Distinguished Citizen Award is for a Green River resident who is passionate about Green River and has shown this by continually volunteering and supporting by working for the betterment of the community. Some of their work is often behind the scenes. This person has also demonstrated a long history of civic involvement in the community, some of the requirements state.

Shutran said she knows what it means to be a distinguished citizen and she knows the criteria. She was advocating for others to receive this year's award.

"It's for people who have really changed the lives of people; and I didn't think that was me," Shutran said. "They totally got me. Yes, I cried. It was crazy."

However, the section committee thought differently than Shutran and took into consideration all aspects of Shutran's life.

Shutran is the assistant vice president and market director for U.S. Bank. She has been employed at this bank for the past 21 years. She started out as a teller and continued to progress through the bank until she reached her current position. Some of the awards and recognitions Shutran has received through her employment are the 2003 US Bank Annual Pinnacle Award, 2014 US Bank Bronze Shield Award, 2015 U.S. Bank Silver Shield Award, 2015 Extra Mile Award-Community Service, a 2005 Financial Advocate of the Year Nomination and she has achieved 14 Quarterly Pinnacle Awards.

As far as her volunteer work, Shutran has been actively involved in the community for the past 15 years. She has been a Green River Chamber of Commerce board member since 2013, she is currently the vice present of the board. Through her years of service on the chamber board, she has worked on several committees including executive, finance, policy manual, business development and beautification.

She also served on the Green River Community Chest Board, the Hole In The Wall Gang as the Chamber Ambassador, Sweetwater County Library Board, Personnel Board City of Green River and Green River Urban Renewal Board.

"I'm just a doer," Shutran said.

With so much going on, Shutran puts everything on her desk calendar and her cell phone calendar.

"I just show up when my phone tells me to show up," Shutran said.

Shutran has lived in Green River since she was three years old; and holds a particular fondness to the community.

"I think it's important to give back to the community that gave so much to me," she said. "I care about Green River. It's the best place on earth I think."

No one knows this more than Green River Chamber director Rebecca Eusek.

"I honestly cannot say enough about Angie. From the moment I met her, she has always been helpful and gracious. I can always count on Angela and her husband, Mike, to be at every ribbon cutting the chamber hosts and every after-hours event," Eusek said in a press release. "Angie is always the first to volunteer for every committee and event. She is also the first person to show up and the last to leave. Eusek said Shutran even shows up on her days off to meetings and her husband even helped serve shrimp to 800 people during the river festival on their wedding anniversary.

"She goes above and beyond for Green River, dedicating time and money to all types of projects that benefit our community," Eusek said. She is truly a gift to Green River. "

The irony of the whole situation was due to a last-minute family emergency, Shutran almost didn't make it to the chamber luncheon. She eventually decided to go to the meeting, hand out the award and leave.

"I am still shocked," she said.


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