Quilt used to raise money for soldiers

A quilt donation will help raise money for care packages that will be sent to soldiers serving overseas.

Jim Gengler with the Green River Eagles No. 1490 said a POW-themed quilt was donated to the Eagles, the Eagle Riders and VFW Post No. 2321.

Gengler said his sister-in-law Cathy Mayberry showed him the quilt and said she wanted to donate it, but didn't quite know how to go about doing that.

Gengler took the quilt and told her he would get the ball rolling on setting up a fundraiser effort for the troops.

"We are getting together to sell raffle tickets on the quilt," he said. "All proceeds will go to care packages."

He said it was a nice way for Mayberry to give back to the community and show her appreciation for the servicemen and women serving the country.

"It took me about six months to do it," Mayberry said.

She would work on it for a while and then discover something she didn't like so she would take a piece of it apart and start again.

"It had to be just about perfect," she said.

Mayberry said she picked up the materials for the quilt when she was on a trip back east.

After getting the material, she came up with a design and started sewing it together.

"It made me feel good that I could do something for someone," Mayberry said.

Although Mayberry doesn't have any family in the military now, her father did serve many years ago. Now that one quilt has been completed, Mayberry has moved onto making other military quilts. She already has picked up enough quilting materials to make a Marines and Navy quilt.

"I do lots of quilts," she said. "This one was just something I wanted to do for veterans because they do so much for us."

Gengler said if residents have names and addresses of soldiers serving overseas, they can give them to one of the VFW or Eagle members and they will make sure care packages are sent to them.

Quilt raffle tickets are 6 for $5; and those who would like to purchase tickets can purchase them from the Eagles or by contacting Gengler at 350-6222, VFW Post 2321 Post Commander Earl McDonald at 875-3437, VFW Post 2321 Vice Commander Jim Shoemaker at 875-5318 and Eagle Rider president Kelvin Siler at 371-0704.


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