Resident seeks new traffic light

Does Flaming Gorge Way need another traffic light?

This was a question posed by a city resident seeking a new traffic light on one of Green River’s busiest streets.

During the citizen requests and other communications portion of the city council meeting Tuesday evening, Harris Foster, posed a concern to the council. His concern involved there being a lack of a traffic light at the intersection of Flaming Gorge way and S. 4th W., the area of town where he lives. He was also concerned about the motorcycle noise along that road late at night.

Mayor Pete Rust responded with saying there wasn’t adequate traffic at the time to merit installing a traffic light at the intersection.

Council member Lisa Maes then advised the public as to why motorcycles are so loud. It is a safety mechanism, she said.

“I own a motorcycle,” Maes said. “The loud sound of motorcycles saves lives.”

While driving her motorcycle in town, her life was saved because of the loudness of her bike.

The car driver did not see her, and was going to merge over if not for hearing her first.

“Motorcycle noise is good, it’s for the driver’s safety,” Maes said.

“I agree with council person Maes,” council member Allan Wilson said. “I have no problem with bikes.”

Wilson also stated that he believes the traffic near Flaming Gorge Way and Railroad Avenue has actually diminished as of late, because of the Green River Police Department’s new location at the intersection.


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