GR seniors gather for annual picnic

The day was full of barbecuing and good conversation for the Golden Hour Senior Center.

The GHSC hosted its annual Picnic in the Park last Wednesday at Expedition Island. It was a great opportunity for people of all ages to chat with friends, participate in activities and enjoy a tasty meal. They were serving hamburgers, hotdogs, chips, macaroni salad, watermelon, cookies and brownies. Each meal was $6.

A poker walk started at 11 a.m. where the picnic guests could try to win a picnic basket. GHSC Activities Coordinator Megan Brown said she and her sister walk every morning and while walking at the Island, she came up with the idea for the poker walk.

“I thought this would be fun and would be something to get them active,” Brown said. “”It’s the first one and so far attendance is pretty good.”

They already had 26 participants at 11:30 a.m.

The participants started by getting a playing card from Brown. Then they had to walk around the path at the Island to get three more cards at three separate stops. There were chairs, bottled water and bug spray at each stop. The walkers would then return to Brown where they received their fifth and final card. Then they would show Brown their cards and see what they were dealt. Whoever ended up with the best hand when the walk ended at 2 p.m. would win the picnic basket.

The basket contained 4th of July themed paper plates, cups, silverware, crazy straws and also a beautiful crocheted lap blanket. The blanket was made of yarn that was donated to the senior center by Ann Lowe.

The first 18 participants to finish the poker walk received “emergency” goodie bags. The goodie bags contained a pair of socks, a match book, Band-Aids, mosquito spray and a map of Green River.

Each person that bought a meal also received a raffle ticket that they could put in for one of two baskets. One basket was called the Family 4th Basket, which held toys and activities for the seniors to do with their grandchildren. The other basket was the Garden Fun Basket which had a variety of gardening tools, garden accessories and seeds. The two raffle ticket winners were chosen at the end of the picnic.

The guests also played bingo, the dice game center, left, right and 31.

Last summer, the picnic had about 170 attendees so they were hoping to have around 200 this summer.

GHSC were busy last week with the picnic plus their flea market last weekend for Flaming Gorge Days.

“We had our flea market Saturday, so we’re all pretty tired,” Brown said.

In August, they have a tea party and they will wrap up their summertime events with a tailgate party in September.

“They keep me busy,” Brown said, “and I try to keep them active.”


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