Has the magic ended?

It seems as though my children go through phases.

Some are good; and others I would rather just forget.

One phase that will always leave a lasting memory and a spot in my heart is the kissing the boo boo phase.

My first son Matthew, who is now 5, went through this phase about a couple of years ago.

Now, my youngest son John, who is 3, is going through this phase, or so I thought.

It seemed like every time, no matter how big or small the injury, if it is a tiny scratch to a big bruise, John wanted me to kiss his it and make it all better.

Numerous times a week he was saying “Mommy kiss it. Kiss it,” while shoving whatever injury he had in my face. I immediately kissed it, because I know all too well this is just a phase that will not last long.

For some reason, I enjoy having the magically kiss that can make any pain disappear. I think any mother would.

He would say “Thanks mama it’s all better.” He would then run off to play more.

It is so simple just to kiss it and make the pain go away.

John seems happy when I do it and has even started asking my husband to kiss his boo boos if I am busy, however sometimes he insists that mommy must do it because daddies don’t work as well. I think this has to do with the fact that my husband has a goatee and it tickles my son’s owies.

Lately, my son has not asked for kisses as much, and I am starting to get sad because although he may be ready to move on from this phase, I may not be.

When my oldest son was done with the phase I didn’t really notice because I had a newborn in the house, but John is my youngest and I still want my kisses to be special owie healers.

My oldest just wants Band-Aids, but not the simple tan ones I grew up with. No, he wants to have Mickey Mouse, Sponge Bob, Ninja Turtles or Lightning McQueen Band-Aids, which I don’t even think work as good as the tan ones. They seem to fall off easily, which I think is all part of the endless cycle. They fall off and then I have to buy more.

It’s a vicious, endless cycle really.

Anyway, I am not ready for my three year old to move onto this phase, but if he does I will have to deal with it. I will still have the memories and I believe I still have those magical healing kiss powers even if my children may not believe it anymore.


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