Mountain bikers gather Saturday for Trails day

Mountain bikers from across the region will gather at the Wilkins Peak Trail System Saturday as the Sweetwater Mountain Bike Association and the Green River Chamber of Commerce host their annual Trails Day.

Trails Day allows the community to come out and enjoy the bike trails around the town.

“It’s a great time for people to come out and have fun, and learn the trails,” the chamber’s executive director, Rebecca Eusek, said.

There are approximately 25 miles of trails within the trail system. Different trails are available for beginner, intermediate, and advanced bikers.

“You will get a little taste of most of the trails,” Eusek said.

Guides from the SMBA will be along the trails to assist the bikers.

A free pancake breakfast hosted by the SMBA will start the day off at 8:30 a.m. at the Red Archery Barn at Scotts Bottom. Guided trail tours will take place after breakfast.

The night ride will begin at 8:30 p.m. Bike lights in good condition are mandatory for the night ride, while helmets are mandatory for all rides.


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