Rehabilitation center honors mothers

Residents at the Mission at Castle Rock care facility had a chance to have tea and celebrate an early Mother’s Day with family and friends.

Kelly Williams, activity coordinator for the facility said it is their first year hosting a Mother’s Day event.

“I didn’t want to do bingo again. I thought a laid-back tea would be nice,” she said.

The residents have a lot of families visit on Saturdays, which was also a motivator in hosting the tea a day before the actual Mother’s Day is celebrated.

For many residents, the day offers a chance to reflect on their family, as well as their mothers.

“I think of my mother, but I also think of my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren,” Iris Hart, a resident at the facility said.

Hart has 11 grandchildren and five great-grandchildren and said Mother’s Day was always a time for her family to get together for dinner. Hart’s daughter-in-law, Mona Hart, said she’s happy the facility hosts events like the Mother’s Day Tea for family and the facility’s residents.

Another resident, Doris Dove, said she would crochet doilies for her mother each Mother’s Day.

“They’d be so pretty,” Dove said. “I made what she liked.”


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