Community cleanup day aims to beautify Green River area

City flatbed service will also be available

As spring takes hold in Green River, mementos from the heavy winds and careless litterers can be seen throughout the city.

Trash, often accumulating during the winter months, can be seen piled along fence lines and alleyways in Green River and in an attempt to combat the gradual accumulation of refuse, the city’s chamber of commerce will host its annual spring cleanup next month.

According to Destinee Rael, the Green River Chamber of Commerce’s public relations and marketing specialist, the cleanup takes place prior to the area’s summer events to help beautify the city before large numbers of tourists begin visiting the city.

Well-known events like Quilting on the Green, Flaming Gorge Days, the National High School Finals Rodeo and River Festival bring thousands to Green River each year and cleaning trash and debris helps present an attractive community.

Rael said the effort resulted in nearly 14 tons of garbage and debris being collected and removed from the city.

This year, the cleanup day takes place May 16, starting at 8 a.m. at the chamber. Breakfast will be provided to volunteers, as well as garbage bags, gloves and a free T-shirt. Volunteers will also select an area they want to help clean. Residents will pick up trash until about 11 a.m., with the filled bags left near the street for pickup by city sanitation crews.

The event also concludes a city-wide cleanup week taking place May 11-15. During that week, the city will provide free flatbed hauling service for residents to remove larger items they normally wouldn’t be able to place with their weekly trash.

Other groups such as students from Green River’s schools and the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office offers services to help collect trash as well.

Volunteers can sign up prior to the event, or join the effort the day it takes place.


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