Letter: Sheriff doesn't deserve 3rd term

(This letter was edited for space.)

Dear Editor,

Upon reading the recent article about the Bairoil mayor being charged with nepotism I felt compelled to write in with my own experience with the Sweetwater County Sheriff’s Office.

I had been employed as a deputy with the sheriff’s department for 13 years. In 2007, I witnessed the brutal beating of a restrained juvenile male by three other deputies. This altercation was caught on surveillance cameras. I was immediately considered a witness. I was approached by the jail administrator at that time. He assured me he understood the position...


Reader Comments(1)

rickryan writes:

Former Deputy Gerald Miller you sure sound like a real class act. A clean one owner. I don't sense even the least bit of disgruntlement from you. You were having an affair with another deputy and when you found out she was doing another deputy you decided to work on your marriage. What a hero you are in so many ways. Thank you for bringing this to the public's attention. It is clear you are a man of great integrity. What would Sweetwater County citizens do without you?

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