Letter: Councilman should respect flag

Dear Editor,

Green River City Councilman Mark Peterson, who is currently running for mayor of the city, is showing a great amount of disrespect to his hometown, as well as to the United States by improperly displaying the American Flag in front of his home.

Peterson is in violation of three parts of the American Flag Code and has been asked to relocate his flag and illuminate his flag at night.

Peterson’s flag was first seen touching the ground in June and has not been illuminated between the hours of sunset and sunrise. While it is not known whether or not his flag is an all-weather flag, it should be noted that the flag has remained outside during severe thunderstorms.

When asked to make the necessary changed to the display of his flag out of respect for his nation and those who served in the name of freedom, Peterson slightly elevated his flag, however the corner of it is still touching both the flowers and the ground beneath it.

The United States Code, Title 4, Chapter 1 of the American Flag states in Section Six, Part A: “It is the universal custom to display the flag only from sunrise to sunset on buildings and on stationary flagstaffs in the open. However, when a patriotic effect is desired, the flag may be displayed 24 hours a day if properly illuminated during the hours of darkness.

Part C states: “The flag should not be displayed on days when the weather is inclement, except when an all-weather flag is displayed.”

Section 8, Respect for the Flag states “No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America.

Part B states: “The flag should never touch anything beneath it, such as the ground, the floor, water, or merchandise.

Jenna Whitcher

Green River


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