COVID-19 closes classrooms

Two classrooms at the YWCA Early Care Center were closed following a positive COVID-19 case tied to the building.

Students and teachers inside those rooms will be quarantined. According to a release from the YWCA, other classrooms in the building were not impacted and the case is suspected to a singular instance of infection.

“We appreciate the public’s support of YWCA and all its programs during this difficult time.” Executive Director Melinda Baas, said. “We know how much our parents rely on our Center to care for their children while they are working, and we appreciate them working with us as we struggle to deal with this pandemic.

Parents and staff were notified over the weekend of the positive case the YWCA contracted an outside company to conduct a thorough cleaning of both the early care building and its Learning Center.

Parents are being asked to remain at least 6 feet away from children not a part of their household. Staff and visitors to the building will be required to wear a mask and practice social distance while frequent handwashing for staff and children and temperature checks for workers will also continue.

Other services provided by the YWCA were not impacted by the situation and continue to operate out of the Center for Families and Children building at 2620 Commercial Way in Rock Springs. The Crisis Line is also available 24 hours a day at 307-352-1030.


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