County museum hosts Christmas display

The spirit of Christmases past is on display at the Sweetwater County Historical Museum throughout December.

An exhibit features toys, a Christmas tree, and other sights from what Christmas would look like decades ago.

“Christmas exhibits are fun to do,” Brie Blasi, executive director of the museum, said. “It’s more about a feeling and the time of year.”

One of the toys featured in the display is board game based off of journalist Nellie Bly’s attempt to recreate the feat originally proposed in Jules Verne’s “Around the World in 80 Days.” The fictional book is about a journey Englishman Phileas Fogg embarks on after making a 20,000-pound wager that he could accomplish a world-spanning journey in just 80 days.

Bly, inspired by Verne’s novel, convinced her editor at the New York World that she could match the fictional feat and left New York on Nov. 14, 1889. Bly’s journey took her through Europe and Asia, crossing the Pacific Ocean from Japan. She made her way through the U.S., by train and arrived home Jan. 25, 1890, beating Fogg’s literary journey by eight days.

Bly’s feat was a sensation at the time and McLoughlin Brothers of Brooklyn created a game based on her journey.

Aiden Brady, the museum’s public engagement coordinator, said many of the toys on display resonated with visitors Saturday. The museum hosted a ornament and tree decorating event Saturday, bringing in 38 people throughout the day. He said many people liked the dolls displayed, as well as the tin soldiers. He said one person noticed a G.I. Joe figure and had an appreciation for how long the toy line has existed. The toy first debuted in 1964.

“A lot of people appreciated the old toys,” he said.

The museum is open Tuesday through Saturday, 9 a.m., to 5 p.m.


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