Coworkers recognized for support

On Thursday, a local real estate agent and her employees were recognized for supporting their National Guardsman coworker.

Bob Austin, ombudsman for the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve, presented Cheryl Jensen with the patriot award.

Austin said in 1994 U.S. Congress passed the Uniformed Services Employment and Re-employment Rights Act. This act protects the jobs of those serving the county.

As demands of the serviceman became greater, so did the demands on the employer become greater, Austin said.

USERRA helps define and improve the relationship between the one serving and their employer. He said they not only help returning soldiers from going back to their jobs they had before deployment, they help them find new ones if they desire a career change upon return. They help with resumes and how to have a good interview. The patriot award it given to employers who go above and beyond what’s required to make their employee’s service easier.

Jensen’s employee, Spencer Berry nominated her for the award because of how supportive she and his coworkers have been of his Utah National Guard service.

Berry said one time he did lose a job because of claims that he didn’t fill out the proper paperwork prior to being called for military service. He said he eventually got a job back because although human resources lost his paperwork, he had kept copies of them.

However, the job he received wasn’t the one he left. He was making a lot less than he was before and had to start at the bottom.

It’s this sort of experience that helped him realize just how good he’s treated at his current job.

“I had my annual training changed three times,” Berry said. “And none of them complained. They always cover me when I’m gone.”

Sometimes while Berry is in National Guard training he will receive phone calls of people interested in houses and they want to look at some. He will then call the office and see who can show them the house they want to see.

“They’ve always stepped up and done a fantastic job for me,” he said.

Berry is in the Utah National Guard 144 Area Medical Support Company for the past six years and has worked for Jensen for the past year and a half.

Even though Jensen was the one being presented with the patriot award, she said it was all of them, Juanita Guthrie, Irene Shiner, Anne Winders, who work together to get his work done when he is gone.

“Thank you all not only for your time, but your support,” Austin said.


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