Letter: County officials should apologize

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the Sweetwater County Commissioners and their uncalled for comments toward the former board members of the hospital board.

When Commissioner (John) Kolb publicly calls these honorable, unpaid servants corrupt, while the other commissioners sit silently, this is uncalled for. Many of the Sweetwater County Commissioners have known the hospital board members for years and know that Mr. Kolb’s comments were unwarranted. I have personally known Artis Kalivas for over 50 years and he has done nothing but help his family and neighbors while serving his church and community.

I am writing this letter because I do not want the reputations of the former members of the hospital board to be tarnished. While I don’t personally know all of the hospital board members who were attacked, I do know that Robert Wallendorf, Gene Carmody and Dr. Spicer are some of the most respected and honorable citizens of Sweetwater County. These citizens were personally attacked while doing nothing but trying to bring better services to the county.

While there is room to disagree on the results, there is no room to call these outstanding citizens corrupt. The Sweetwater County Commissioners owe the former hospital board members a public apology for the uncalled for and wrongful verbal attacks.

Bill Hodges

Green River


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