Session frustrates school board

A few Sweetwater County School District No. 2 board members are feeling frustrated at how the legislative session in Cheyenne is going.

Board chair Brenda Roosa said she’s disappointed and believes legislators have already made up their minds regarding school funding, which could receive a cut of up to $91 million from school spending. School board members were prohibited from giving testimony in person during hearings, which board member John Malone said is the reason they go to Cheyenne.

Roosa did say she’s happy with representation from Sweetwater County.

“They’re on our side, trying to do the right thing,” she said.

Malone spoke about his reaction to attempts made by legislators to create a constitutional amendment that would make it illegal for a school board to sue the legislature and ignore the funding method originally set up by the legislature and the Wyoming Supreme Court.

Malone also expressed dismay regarding a committee hearing he was involved in, where legislators discussed school issues without the microphones picking up their voices.

Malone said the legislators spoke for between six and eight minutes without the microphones on.

For Malone, his biggest concern is not being able to reassure younger teachers that everything will work out, saying he has to bite his tongue when the issue arises.


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