Volunteers needed for Red Cross

The American Red Cross of Wyoming is searching for more volunteers to serve the state, especially in Sweetwater County.

Chris Allen, Volunteer Services Manager for American Red Cross of Wyoming, said the Red Cross has about 200-trained volunteers across Wyoming, however those numbers can change quickly.

“The number of volunteers constantly fluctuates as volunteers take another job and move, retire, move out of the area, pass away or become less interested in disaster response,” Allen said.

The American Red Cross of Wyoming works to prevent and alleviate human suffering in times of emergencies.

“Disasters can strike anywhere and at any time. Fires, freak weather, natural disasters and man-made disasters can strike anywhere without warning,” Allen said. “The Red Cross stands ready to support Sweetwater County and Wyomingites if the need arises.”

Allen said the Red Cross performs disaster relief throughout Wyoming and the United States. They also support military personnel and their families. They also offer Red Cross health and safety courses, such as first aid and CPR, and help internationally during crises.

“There is a need for volunteers in Sweetwater County, and across Wyoming,” he said. “While we are always recruiting, we are particularly looking to double the number of Red Cross volunteers in Sweetwater County in order to increase our ability to respond to disasters, big and small in Sweetwater County.”

Allen said they are currently looking for volunteers who are 18 years old and older for several areas of need, including disaster-action team members, mass care and sheltering needs and public affairs.

When called, Red Cross Disaster Action Teams respond to local emergencies, such as home fires. Allen said the Red Cross responds nationally to nearly 70,000 disasters each year. The overwhelming number of those are home fires.

“In Wyoming, Red Cross volunteers respond annually to an average of between 80-100 home fires in all corners of the state,” Allen said. “Disaster Action Teams respond to provide immediate emergency assistance, such as temporary lodging, food, clothing, and health and mental health referrals.”

In times of larger disasters, such as the flooding in Lusk and the Cole Creek fires in Casper in 2015, Red Cross volunteers in Wyoming are asked to staff emergency mass care shelters, canvass affected areas to provide clean-up items, snacks and other comfort items and provide case work for those affected by disaster, Allen said.

The Red Cross also offers a number of non-disaster volunteer positions, including public affairs.

In that case, a volunteer might tell the Red Cross story by writing local press releases, managing Red Cross social media pages, or taking pictures of Red Cross volunteers in action.

Red Cross volunteers must complete the required training for their selected position. Most of this training can be finished by taking online courses, however other positions can require hands-on training.

“The Red Cross stands ready to serve the people of Sweetwater County and Wyoming, whether as a response to a small disaster such as a home fire or to a larger or more prolonged disaster that might require sheltering,” Allen said. “Once a Red Cross volunteer has the required training, he or she might express an interest in helping at a larger disaster anywhere in Wyoming, or throughout the nation in times of a major disaster such as a hurricane, earthquake or flood.”

More information, including a new volunteer application, is available by visiting http://www.redcross.org/Wyoming; and clicking on volunteer on the left menu. For additional information, please contact Allen at chris.allen2@redcross.org or (307) 757-3421.


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