Council passes fire ordinance last week

The city of Green River is now fire friendly, to an extent. After three readings, discussion and revisions, the council voted on a motion to approve the ordinance at the city council meeting, Feb. 2.

"I think we ironed out the issues," councilperson Lisa Maes said. "There were some people that had concerns. I talked to some residents on the phone and told them, 'I think all of their concerns are addressed in the ordinance and if they have a problem, to call the police. It was a problem before, because it was illegal.'"

Residents can now legally utilize their small, recreational fires while sitting in their own backyard, if they desire to do so.

With legalization though come rules, through the ordinance.

"It sets some parameters is what it does," Maes said. "There are specific things there that they (police) can go off of."

The ordinance states that burning any type of garbage is not allowed, along with papers, and leaves or other combustible items.

Large fires like bon fires, open fires or camp fires are not permitted unless the party receives a burn permit prior to burning.

Permits can be acquired for functions in junction with school, religious or recreational activities.

What is permitted now within city limits without a burn permit, are residents' small fire pits on their private property.

The fire must be made with non-combustible material, contained within the fire container or fire ring.

The fire size must not larger than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height, according to the ordinance.

The fire must be positioned at least 10 feet away from a structure or combustible materials, and must be attended at all times while lit. While the fire is lit, a screen or spark protector must be used. The ordinance also states the fire cannot be lit between the hours of 2 a.m. to 6 a.m.

"It's pretty spelled out, what is permitted and what isn't," Maes said. "People at least know now they have to attend the fire at all times and there's a time limit."


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